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es 2 stunden
Hi! Have a supercalifraga..... hmm... or just a great weekend! =)) =)) =))-

es 3 tage
Cool. Welcome to the mad side =))-

es 6 tage
Your ideas of liminal space have captured me. Oh my God, when I see your work, I feel like I'm in the astral. It's unrealistically cool. /:) :"> :">-

es 26 tage
yayazizi plssss make more stuff bwuaaa :-O I am waiting for mor of your art rn-

die 19 märz 2024
I was trapped in the catacombs of Paris my dear :( a very sad affair if you ask me... I thought I wouldn't make it out alive, the tunnels never end. I was running out of food when I saw an opening in the ceiling, I got out in the middle of traffic so my three arms are broken but otherwise I am safe and sound =)) how are you ? you haven't posted a lot lately either :( I hope you create more of your weird gifs, they are the best ;)-

die 21 februar 2024
hi want to be friends-

die 16 mai 2023
thank you so much that means a lot! i really like your work too, they flow so well, the composition is superb :x-